The purpose of this activity is for all of you to get acquainted with the amazing African culture by means of using the latest technological devices we all have for free at the WEB 2.0.


The task consists of a series of activities posted in the blog your are just opening. You have to complete each and everyone of the activities (which include listening tasks, reading comprehension exercises, web-searching and the like) in order to calificate for the last assignment, your webquest.

The webquest requires you to propose a budget for a trip to the FIFA World Cup to be held June 1st 2010. As investigators, you have to dabble into most of the known websites available on the net as to find different options for accommodation and transport, the deatails of the task will be given as soon as you have accomplished all previous steps.

So, time is running, be on the spur and head for South Africa.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits



Congratulations! You have successfully accomplished the previous steps and are now on the platform to board the plane and head for South Africa. We all imagine that you know what a webquest is... don't you? It is simply surfing the net, but this time on a ground for the sites provided and a simple and entertaining task. All you have to do is go through this webquest, complete it, and provide the most suitable and convenient budget to hopefully spend 30 days in the Black Continent.

You will have to search the sites provided and displayed below. All of them bear a sort of relationship to the great event; and include information you will have to use in order to plan a stay for a group of 4 people in one of the host cities of the tournament. Once you have browsed the whole lot, it will require your good sense as a team to find a fine combination of PRICE and QUALITY. You will have to send a Word document or a Powerpoint presentation to our email address with the final budget you propose. Once all the assignments are received, you will have to support and back up the information in class in case you are chosen winner of the contest.

There are three members in each group. The first thing you have to do is to assign a task or role to each member.One is to be the financial researcher (the one in charge of finding the best price for each of the points covered), another one is going to be in charge of accommodation and excursions and the last one is going to have a look at transport to and within the country. For the report you are supposed to work together. Write down your notes and find Budget processors in the web, that will help you have an outline of your paper. Remember that you have to make a detailed scheme of how you would handle expenditure, trips, accommodation,meals, tickets for the matches and any other possible costs you might have to cover. You can plan your holidays answering the following questions: - Where are you going to travel first? - How are you going to travel? - How much are the tickets? - How much money are you going to take with you? - Which is the currency you are going to use? - What is the weather like in the different cities? - What clothes are you going to take in your luggage? - Where are you going to stay in each city? - What city are you going to visit in second place? - How much is a complete breakfast in each city? - What are the most popular sites you are going to visit? - How long are you going to stay in each city? - What is the nightlife like in each city? - Are you going to visit any beach? Which ones? - What is the typical food of each city? Which typical souvenirs are you going to buy? - When are you going to come back to Argentina? Then choose the way in which you want to send your final product, using any of the programmes available.

These are the websites you have to visit in order to complete the task. There is a great variety of them, be sensible in your search as to find the most importandt features in them.

tours -
cultural background site -
accommodation -
travelling -
travelling -
tickets and football info -
venues -
world cup info -
world cup info -
eating out - -
articles -
food -
culture -
travelling -
travelling -

Considering that this project has as a main objective to motivate students in class and to gradually include technological stuff within and outside the classroom, evaluation will cover different areas, being the most prominent, the step by step monitoring of the students' work. Marks will be given once the job is done, yet, process will also be regarded with marking.

So? Did you enjoy the experience of being a tour organizer? Do you think we could make it for real? Were you to travel along the ocean to a far away place or drive your car a couple of hundred miles would make no difference. The web will always be there to help you with the information you need.

-The WebQuest Page at San Diego State University:
-Aula Tecnológica Siglo XXI:
-Páginas dispersas:

(PAGE CREATED USING1,2,3 Tu WebQuest -

1 comment:

  1. I like the video is about the war because poker is original and powerful rendition cautious

    by: NICO Curuzú Cuatia Ctes.,Argentina
