The purpose of this activity is for all of you to get acquainted with the amazing African culture by means of using the latest technological devices we all have for free at the WEB 2.0.


The task consists of a series of activities posted in the blog your are just opening. You have to complete each and everyone of the activities (which include listening tasks, reading comprehension exercises, web-searching and the like) in order to calificate for the last assignment, your webquest.

The webquest requires you to propose a budget for a trip to the FIFA World Cup to be held June 1st 2010. As investigators, you have to dabble into most of the known websites available on the net as to find different options for accommodation and transport, the deatails of the task will be given as soon as you have accomplished all previous steps.

So, time is running, be on the spur and head for South Africa.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

PARAGRAPH WRITING. Now that we have discussed the two videos in class, work individually on a paragraph beginning with the line: WHEN I GET OLDER... You have to post the paragraph with your name below the videos.

1 comment:

  1. In my view I think video 1 is better because it is real fun!!!!!
